
Don’t Reset but Reprioritize in the New Year with Dr. Spirit

August 28, 2024

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Don’t Reset but Reprioritize in the New Year with Dr. Spirit

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After a difficult 2020, many of you have told me that you feel stuck in a job or regarding health and wellness, or a relationship. Dr. Spirit, licensed therapist, and host of “Love Goals” on OWN joins me to talk about how we can get unstuck in the new year and set goals for ourselves that we can stick to.

She breaks down getting unstuck in life as management of stress. Good Stress, she defines, is exciting and the start of something new, like a baby on the way, a move to a new city, or a job promotion. On the other end of the spectrum, there is Negative Stress which takes a toll on our body and health and includes things like caring for aging parents and workplace demands.

This year was big for me. I turned 50, and because I lost my mother young, I never had a role model for this phase of life. I didn’t have a blueprint. So this year has always been on my mind and for longer than I was really consciously aware of. Dr. Spirit calls that our “background music;” she says we have stressors that are always working constantly in the backs of our minds, even if we aren’t directly thinking about them. All of our songs will sound different, but they are there playing in the backdrop.

She also discusses “Apart But Not Alone,” a safe space series that was born during the pandemic, specifically out of the intensified isolation people felt around the Thanksgiving holiday. These events are not about what you celebrate, but a reminder that although we are physically apart, we are never truly alone unless we choose to be. So for New Year, Dr. Spirit is making the event as ambitious as ever. The mission is simple but so deeply impactful: to make sure no person anywhere in the world would bring in 2021 alone. The event is a 27-hour marathon Zoom room, that covers the stroke of midnight in every time zone…and then some.

What you'll learn:

  • How to empower yourself to get out of relationships that aren’t working anymore.
  • Tips for setting realistic goals that you set for the right reasons and that doesn’t aim for unattainable perfection.
  • How our physical health and mental health are one and the same.

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