I thought I was losing my mind in my 40s.
I felt little pricklies in my hands, had itchy ears, and a burning tongue. My body smelled even right out of the shower, my legs couldn’t stop moving, sleep was out of the question, I even started breaking out! I was cranky. My periods were erratic. I was tired all the time.
Looking back now, it’s SO clear. I was going through perimenopause.
For most women in their 30s and 40s, the big M (menopause) feels like something far off like shopping at Talbots or wearing orthopedic shoes.
But if you notice any of the above symptoms, you may be entering perimenopause.
Perimenopause is basically the years of hormonal fluctuation leading up to menopause. For most women, it lasts 3-4 years but can stretch a decade or longer!
During this time, your estrogen and progesterone fluctuate rather unpredictably. Kinda like the hormonal chaos of high school, but instead of gearing your body up for fertility, it’s winding it down. Just like your first puberty, this puberty 2.0 can bring a whole host of unpleasant symptoms.
But here’s the BIG difference: We prepare kids for puberty. There are classes, awkward gym teacher conversations, books, and sometimes parent talks. You know what’s going on.
Perimenopause is barely talked about.
And it hits women when they’re in their PRIME of life, likely at the peak of their careers AND potentially juggling the care of children and aging parents.
They don’t have TIME to be hit with a TON of life-altering symptoms!
Thankfully, doctors like Dr. Nighat Arif are spreading the word about perimenopause so women can get the medical help they need to keep rocking their best.
Check out my FULL interview with Dr. Nighat Arif right here.👇
Dr. Nighat Arif believes talking about these issues is critical because if we don’t look after women at the perimenopausal phase, we could estimate a million women from the workplace in the UK alone!
What are the perimenopause symptoms?
While you most likely won’t feel ALL of these, if you see a change in some of these areas, there's a good chance you’re in perimenopause!
Brain fog
Anxiety and/or depression
Restless Leg
Difficulting finding words
Itchy ear
Burning sensation in their mouth
Shoulder aches
Body pain
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Heart palpitations
Breast tenderness
Dry skin & hair
Weight gain
Recurrent UTIs
Stress incontinence
Irregular periods (although you can still get pregnant)
WANT MORE? Check out this video where I break down the supplements I use to keep these symptoms at bay.
There isn’t really a “test” for perimenopause, but if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor.
They might have diet recommendations, exercise suggestions, or even hormone therapy regimens to help you feel your best.
(Click those👆 links for quick advice!)
And if your doctor tells you everything is okay or “normal,” find a new doctor. Yes, these symptoms are normal, BUT they are not in your head, and there’s so much you can do.
If you can, I even recommend talking to a midlife practitioner. Doctors rarely get comprehensive training around menopause and might not be aware of all the options.
If you need help finding a menopause expert, here’s a great resource.
And remember, you are your best advocate when it comes to your health, and seeking a second opinion is always an option!
For more insight and support through this season of life, I invite you to check out my Menopause Masterclass. I've gathered renowned experts to provide actions and answers to the most pressing questions about midlife and menopause.
Because we ALL deserve to feel our best as we enter this truly magical (but sometimes frustrating) time of life!
(And get over $400 in bonuses!)