So a lot of you already know when I turned 50, I was in the middle of figuring out how to keep it all together, stop fearing my age, deal with hormones, and above all, stay happy and healthy. I've come to learnthat there's no such thing as being fearless, but we all have a bold, one that's in us already that we can unlock.
As we head into the next chapter of our lives, unlocking our bold is incredibly important, and that's exactly where Michael Clinton comes in - he believes that 60 is the new 50, and we should embrace it with open arms.
Michael Clinton is the former president and publishing director for Hearst and bestselling author of the book "Roar: into the second half of your life (before it's too late!)" The book encourages us to evaluate life honestly and embrace change. It provides a blueprint for how you can approach your second act that will ensure you ROAR as loud as you can!
One of the most memorable parts of our conversation was theconcept of "person-appropriate" rather than "age-appropriate." We shouldn't limit ourselves based on age, whetherit's starting a new business, finding love, or exploring a new interest, butrather what gives us the most meaning.
Michael also emphasized the importance of self-assessmentand being brutally honest with ourselves. We need to know our health numbers,take care of our bodies, and make informed decisions about our future.
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